It's that time of year again, once the temperatures start to climb, and also the gym equipment gets thrown into overdrive as fitness gyms become clogged with those working to get ready for bikini weather. Or maybe you are one of those girls that has been waiting months of these pretty temperatures so that you can take your exercise routine routine, and your beautiful face, out into the fresh clean air for your bikini bod prep time.
If you're single, looking good while you work out is even more important, and may well be one of the only reasons you are even hitting the gym in the first place. Wherever you decide to work out, you know you don't want to leave the house looking less than glamorous, but simultaneously, the concept of mixing sweat with your expensive cosmetic bag goodies doesn't exactly get you excited. So how do you combine the workout face with a pretty face without leaving you looking like you got caught in the rain?
The days are gone of controversy where wearing makeup when you are exercising is taboo. And there are two schools of thoughts on this. One is that you appear vain and high maintenance whenever you beautify yourself prior to exercising, the other is that makeup and sweat are an unhealthy combination for your delicate skin. What exactly do you do? First of all, technology Makes it possible to choose cosmetics that are great for active women, which means you no longer need to worry about health risks. So long as you beautify yourself properly from beginning to end, you are good to go. And as far as being seen as high maintenance, do you really care? Would you rather be seen as an woman who didn't care enough about herself to pretty up a bit? No.
It is true that makeup combined with sweat can attract bacteria which will clog your pores and cause potential blemishes. That being said, you want to be on the cleanse routine from start to finish. Cleanse your face before you workout and apply minimal makeup so that you still look fresh and pretty, although not overstyled. Powder foundation and blush is fantastic for this, but you want to go light on the blush, if at all, as your cheeks will flush beautifully on their own when working out. Outside of just a little mascara, and by that, a little means one coat, then you're good to go.
You can also experiment with some extremely effective mineral makeups now that are extremely effective in preventing clogged pores and acne. These go on nice and light and are both oil and talc free and therefore make an excellent workout partner in the club. Lipstick and self-tanners are a no-no when you are working out. When it comes to lipstick, seriously, you don't really need it. And it WILL make you look high maintenance and as if you are just *that* desperate. Self-tanners don't like to mix with sweat, when they did you could get your tan in the sun. And so to avoid some potentially embarrassing streaking or staining of the cute workout outfit, you want to skip this step all together.
Once you workout, cleanse cleanse cleanse by having an exfoliant as soon as you can post-workout. Now that you are pretty and fresh and invigorated from that sweat session, go ahead and slap on that lipstick as this is the time to reward yourself!